
Chimpoo Simpoo Natak

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Apr 10, 2017  Chimpoo Simpoo - A detective duo with minds that work faster than you can imagine, instincts that save them from precarious situations and the presence of mind to invent and discover on the go. Loan Labs Product Suite Design. Boneyard Brand/UI Artifacts. COPYRIGHT 2018. ALL THE RIGHTS.

#Please see [The Future of Chimp.js](https://medium.com/@sam_hatoum/the-future-of-chimp-js-e911f8e9aaa6) announcement*TLDR;*The Chimp.js that you know and love is now being split into two separate projects, both of which are intended to help you deliver higher quality faster. These projects are Chimpy and Chimp 2.0.* Chimpy is the continuation of Chimp 1.0* Chimp 2.0 is a new take on quality after many lessons learned.# [Chimpy project documentation is here](https://thebrainfamily.github.io/chimpy/)# Chimp is currently being worked on and will be

Support our projects

CONSTRUCTION NEW outdoor enclosures

One of our most extensive projects is the construction of new outdoor enclosures including a feeding cage and fencing to accommodate more chimpanzees.

Construction of a veterinary clinic

Another major project: the construction of a veterinary clinic, which ensures the medical care of our chimpanzees and is urgently needed to provide medical care to new orphaned and injured chimpanzees.

Chimpoo simpoo tv serial number. Apr 10, 2017  Episode 1 - Meet Chimpoo and Simpoo - your favourite detective duo as they solve their very first mystery. Will they be able to crack this theft case? Chimpoo Simpoo - A detective duo with minds.

Chimpoo Simpoo Natak Cartoon


Another important project is the construction of new quarantine station. This allows us to take up even more orphaned and injured chimpanzees.

Latest News



Monkeys have habits and customs and especially great apes can develop cultural behaviour – scientists affirm this again and again. Edwin van Leeuwen, scientist at the Max-Plank-institute for psycholinguistics in Nimwegen visits Chimfunshi on a [View More]

Happy Birthday Ian!

Happy Birthday Ian!

Chimpoo Simpoo Ka Natak

The 25 January is Ian´s birthday: the male is now 3 years old. Ian is one of our chimpanzees you may adopt and support. Ian was born on Chimfunshi – his mother is Ilse. Ian [View More]

Apes sanction anti-social behavior, just like humans

Apes sanction anti-social behavior, just like humans

The desire to punish anti-social and uncooperative behavior is evidently evolutionary. This is evidenced by an experiment with chimpanzees at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. One caregivers gave them food, another took it [View More]